Designing the perfect kitchen with Steven James

Designing the perfect kitchen with Steven James

Kitchens are the heartbeat of the home, the place where families gather on a daily basis and where friends are welcomed. Having an efficient, aesthetically pleasing and functionally designed kitchen can make a world of difference in creating harmony within the space. Every designer at Steven James has dozens of years of experience. Together, they bring an innovative and cost-effective way to design kitchens, specialising in remodels.

The Process

Steven James has all of the perks you’d expect. By minimising space, while maximising options, we are able to offer more affordable prices. The process begins with a phone call with one of our principal designers. By taking into account the size of the kitchen, residential area and desired style, the designer can generate a rough estimate of the cost. From there, customers can meet with the designer to delve in further.


It’s helpful for the designers if the client has a style in mind ahead of time so they can gear their designs accordingly. You can have a modern kitchen – your cabinets might not be wood; they might be metal, glass or zebrawood. If you want a French country kitchen, the cabinets have scrolls, ornate legs, big mouldings, and lots of accent pieces. Those different styles are dramatically different and require a completely different kind of kitchen design.

Creating a Design

Many of Steven James’ clients are looking to remodel. Older kitchens were often created by builders, not kitchen designers, so function and form weren’t priorities. The design team takes into consideration what the client is looking for and must correct any problem areas, such a stove placed near a doorway or underneath a window, which doesn’t meet building regs. After making those changes, they want to place three key elements: the sink, hob, oven and fridge. You want them all to be accessible and far apart so that people aren’t interfering with one another.

From there, it’s about maximising space. Many clients think adding cabinets is the solution. If you’re making the space too tight to work in, it doesn’t make sense. Making cabinets in more sensible sizes saves more money than moving a doorway or window. The biggest concern is moving everything around to make the kitchen designed well. To make a kitchen look larger, the Steven James team strategically places cabinetry, especially oven cabinets, fridges and pantries to open up the space.

Whatever the goal, Steven James will help clients through the process, from creating an ideal design to recommending contractors. The entire process, from the initial phone consultation through subsequent appointments, to installation, varies in the amount of time required, but always results in a beautiful and functional kitchen.

Worth a call? 0114 3211861